April 12, 2012

Honors Day Convocation 4/12/12

Many of our sisters received awards and recognition at this years Honors Day Convocation at Bethany College. We are so proud of all of their hard work and achievements! Keep up the good work ladies!

Alysssa Schrecengost
The Francis O. Carfer Prize (Outstanding Senior):
The Francis O. Carfer Prize is presented to the senior who, in the judgement of the Honors Committee, has made the most outstanding contribution to the College. Recipients of the prize must display sound academic accomplishment and characteristics of loyalty, service, and devotion to Bethany. The late Mr. Carfer, a trustee of the College for 29 years, was a graduate of the Class of 1909.

Amber Lancaster
Beta Beta Beta Prize (Biology)
The Beta Beta Beta Prize is awarded to the student who has received the highest grades in the initial courses in Biology.

Sara Reass
Caldwell Award (Education)
The Caldwell Award for Leadership in the Art and Science of Teaching is presented to the outstanding senior Elementary Education major who, in addition to academic accomplishment, has shown special talent and creativity and exemplifies the belief that effective teaching extends beyond the classroom into the community.

Marjorie Card
Christine Burleson Memorial Award (English)
The Christine Burleson Memorial Award, given by a graduate of the Class of 1936, is presented to a senior English major who has attained excellence in this field. The award honors the memory of the late Christine Burleson, who was Professor of English and Dean of Women from 1932 to 1936.

Morgan Minor
Thomas Jefferson Prize in Political Science (History and Political Science)
The Thomas Jefferson Prize, established in 1994, is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of Political Science through superior academic achievement and participation in the political life of the campus.

Some of our members were also invited to have membership in academic achievement societies on campus:

Gamma Sigma Alpha:
Sara Reass, Marjorie Card, Morgan Minor

Gamma Sigma Kappa:
Alyssa Schrecengost, Morgan Minor

Bethany Kalon:
Nancy Hitt, Katy Romitti, Alicia Jones, Rachel Samlall, Janae McGinnis

Beta Beta Beta:
Amber Lancaster

Society for Collegiate Journalists:
Rachel Samlall, Lauren Townsend, Katie Hathaway

Omicron Delta Epsilon:
Alyssa Schrecengost

Sigma Tau Delta:
Marjorie Card

Kappa Delta Pi:
Sarah Olson, Sara Reass

Phi Delta Psi:
Brittany Bizila, Mackenzie McCune, Brittani Seeman, Lindsay Olson

Pi Sigma Alpha:
Morgan Minor

Psi Chi:
Tammy Lough

Pi Gamma Mu:
Morgan Minor

Alpha Psi Omega:
Alicia Jones

Kappa Pi:
Marjorie Card

Sigma Delta Pi:
Nicolette Rea

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