October 9, 2012

CMNH Volleyball Game!

The CMNH Volleyball game was a huge success thanks to everyone that came out and supported a great cause on Tuesday night! We also enjoyed having the sisters from the Beta Upsilon chapter at Westminster here at our event! Thank you to all who came out and donated!

September 18, 2012

Welcome Back Carnival 2012!

Senior Fellow awarded to Marjorie Card PC'10

Senior Fellow is awarded to a senior English Major in the department who has exhibited excellence in their performance for three years. This student must have maintained a GPA of 3.0 in the major or higher throughout their time, and is awarded the percolate of working for the department thereafter. Marjorie has been awarded for the Fall 2012 semester. 

May 9, 2012

May Morning Breakfast

May Morning Breakfast recognizes all Senior women at Bethany College for all of their hard work and dedication to the college. Guest speaker, Susan Lister - Phi Mu graduate at Bethany, gave an amazing motivational speech.  

May 6, 2012

Congratulations Morgan Minor!

Congratulations to Morgan Minor for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams in Political Science! We are so proud of you!

Congratulations Brittani Seeman!

Congratulations to Brittani Seeman for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams in Psychology! We are so proud of you!

May 2, 2012

Congratulations Alicia Jones!

Congratulations to Alicia Jones for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams in Political Science! We are so proud of you!

April 17, 2012

CMN/ Bethany Baseball Game 4/21/12!

The sisters of Phi Mu will be raising money for Children's Miracle Network this Saturday at the Bethany Baseball double-hitter at 1p.m. There will be a batting contest during the game with a $50 cash prize. There will also be a 50/50 raffle ticket contest in which the winner will raise half of the proceeds raised from all tickets sold. Tickets will be sold at the Cafeteria and Morlan Beanery throughout the week, as well as during the game. Come out for a great game, delicious food, and to support the children!

April 14, 2012

Greek Women of the Year! 2012

Congratulations to two of our sisters for winning awards last night at the conclusion of Greek Week 2012! Senior Nancy Hitt received the award for Greek Woman of the Year and freshman Julia Anderson received the award for Best New Greek female! Congratulations ladies!

April 12, 2012

Honors Day Convocation 4/12/12

Many of our sisters received awards and recognition at this years Honors Day Convocation at Bethany College. We are so proud of all of their hard work and achievements! Keep up the good work ladies!

Alysssa Schrecengost
The Francis O. Carfer Prize (Outstanding Senior):
The Francis O. Carfer Prize is presented to the senior who, in the judgement of the Honors Committee, has made the most outstanding contribution to the College. Recipients of the prize must display sound academic accomplishment and characteristics of loyalty, service, and devotion to Bethany. The late Mr. Carfer, a trustee of the College for 29 years, was a graduate of the Class of 1909.

Amber Lancaster
Beta Beta Beta Prize (Biology)
The Beta Beta Beta Prize is awarded to the student who has received the highest grades in the initial courses in Biology.

Sara Reass
Caldwell Award (Education)
The Caldwell Award for Leadership in the Art and Science of Teaching is presented to the outstanding senior Elementary Education major who, in addition to academic accomplishment, has shown special talent and creativity and exemplifies the belief that effective teaching extends beyond the classroom into the community.

Marjorie Card
Christine Burleson Memorial Award (English)
The Christine Burleson Memorial Award, given by a graduate of the Class of 1936, is presented to a senior English major who has attained excellence in this field. The award honors the memory of the late Christine Burleson, who was Professor of English and Dean of Women from 1932 to 1936.

Morgan Minor
Thomas Jefferson Prize in Political Science (History and Political Science)
The Thomas Jefferson Prize, established in 1994, is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of Political Science through superior academic achievement and participation in the political life of the campus.

Some of our members were also invited to have membership in academic achievement societies on campus:

Gamma Sigma Alpha:
Sara Reass, Marjorie Card, Morgan Minor

Gamma Sigma Kappa:
Alyssa Schrecengost, Morgan Minor

Bethany Kalon:
Nancy Hitt, Katy Romitti, Alicia Jones, Rachel Samlall, Janae McGinnis

Beta Beta Beta:
Amber Lancaster

Society for Collegiate Journalists:
Rachel Samlall, Lauren Townsend, Katie Hathaway

Omicron Delta Epsilon:
Alyssa Schrecengost

Sigma Tau Delta:
Marjorie Card

Kappa Delta Pi:
Sarah Olson, Sara Reass

Phi Delta Psi:
Brittany Bizila, Mackenzie McCune, Brittani Seeman, Lindsay Olson

Pi Sigma Alpha:
Morgan Minor

Psi Chi:
Tammy Lough

Pi Gamma Mu:
Morgan Minor

Alpha Psi Omega:
Alicia Jones

Kappa Pi:
Marjorie Card

Sigma Delta Pi:
Nicolette Rea

April 6, 2012

Annual Mother/Daughter Tea

The sisters of Phi Mu held their annual Mother/Daughter Tea on Saturday March 31st, 2012 in Commencement Hall. There was a pinning ceremony, as well as an awards ceremony for the seniors.

Juniors Join The Society for Collegiate Journalists

Juniors, Lauren Townsend, Katie Hathaway, and Rachel Samlall, were inducted into the Society for Collegiate Journalists on Friday March 30st, 2012. The induction was held at the Christman Manor at Pendleton Heights, home to the President of Bethany College.   

Junior, Lauren Townsend, accepts her certificate.

Junior, Katie Hathaway, accepts her certificate.
Junior, Rachel Samlall, accepts her certificate.

April 1, 2012

Phi Mu & Sigma Nu Take Over the YWCA!

The sisters of of Phi Mu teamed up with the brothers of Sigma Nu and volunteered by remodeling a room at the local YWCA in Wheeling, WV. The YWCA Wheeling is a member association of the Young Women's Christian Association.

Children's Miracle Network Faculty Fashion Show 3/22/12

Thank you to everyone who came out and showed their support for Children's Miracle Network!

March 21, 2012

Children's Miracle Network Faculty Fashion Show 3/22/12

The sisters of Phi Mu will be having their Annual Faculty Fashion show to raise money for our Philanthropy Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. So please come out and support and bring spare change so you can vote for your favorite faculty member! See you all there!

March 12, 2012

Lilly Pulitzer Print Relvealed!

Lilly Pulitzer finally revealed our new print!

It's so cute with the quatrefoils, lions, carnations, and of course, our motto.

Can't wait to place our orders! Thanks again Lilly! Phi Mu loves you!

January 26, 2012

Letter from Recruitment Chair

Hey Everyone! 
My name is Mackenzie McCune and I am the Membership Chair for the Beta Nu Chapter of Phi Mu here at Bethany College! I just want to start out by saying how excited I am about Spring Recruitment 2012 and meeting each and everyone one of you!

We are incredibly excited for Recruitment and hope that you are too! If you have not already signed up for recruitment, there is still time! Here in Phi Mu, we offer a home away from home; a sister and friend to celebrate when it’s time to celebrate, cry when it’s time to cry, laugh when it’s time to laugh, hug when you need a hug, dance when you want to dance and be there for you whenever you may need her. Phi Mu is so much more than simply a couple of letters on a t-shirt. Phi Mu offers so much more than just a group of girls to hang out; we are the ideal way to get involved on and off campus and we pride ourselves on our reputation throughout Bethany and nationwide. 

We are so excited to meet you all during recruitment! To get a better idea of us feel free to browse our website! Please feel free to contact me for more information or any questions you may have.


Mackenzie McCune

January 19, 2012

Congratulations Alyssa Schrencengost!

Congratulations to Alyssa Schrencengost for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams with DISTINCTION in Business Administration! We are so proud of you!

Congratulations Nancy Hitt!

Congratulations to our President, Nancy Hitt for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams in Psychology! We are so proud of you!

January 18, 2012

Congratulations Sara Reass!

 Congratulations to Sara Reass for passing her Senior Comprehensive Exams in Elementary Special Education! We are so proud of you!

January 12, 2012

President's/Dean's List Fall 2011

We would like to congratulate our sisters on their outstanding academic achievements of the fall semester of 2011! Congrats ladies on all of your hard work!

President's List

Alyssa Schrencengost
Sara Reass
Nici Rea

Dean's List

Lindsay Olson
Morgan Minor
Brenna Anderson
Maria Vallone
Rachel Samlall
Katherine Warren